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What Is Free And Open Source Software

Open source software is computer software where the underlying source code is made available under a license. This can allow individuals and organisations who use the software and to modify it, either to improve the software or adapt it to better meet their needs.

Open Source, GNU, Linux Kernel And The Free Software Foundation

Due to the wide spread usage of the Linux kernel and GNU General Public License, many common services and devices are now using open source software. This has helped to shape a movement that has inspired many people to endorse, develop and use software that can be feely shared, viewed and modified by other users.

Core Components Of Open Source Operating Systems

Linux is a popular term that is generally used to describe a family of open source based operating systems. However, describing Linux as an operating system is actually a misnomer. Linux is actually only a small but crucial part of an open source operating system.

Open Source Distributions And The Freedom To Choose

Everyday we are giving choices in even the most minimal of details. Do we want plastic or paper, do we want plan A or plan B, do we want coffee or tea? Given all this choice, when purchasing a new computer, why do most vendors only offer these devices with either Microsoft Windows or Apple macOS pre-installed?

Open Source, Creative Commons And License Agreements

There has always been a lot of confusion about the term ‘license’ when it came to explaining the provision of software and other similar forms of intellectual property. Many software application and operating systems actually provides the user with an end-user license agreement which allows for the use of the package.

Open Source Forks And Derivatives

Open source licenses provide for the modification and redistribution of existing projects; including software applications, utilities, operating systems and other frameworks. Many of these derivative projects are used on a regular basis without users necessarily knowing anything about the background of these projects or the history of where these projects originated from.

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